“Here is the most complete and comprehensive review of Whitehat Copycat on the internet.”
This will give you everything you need to know about Whitehat Copycat BEFORE purchasing.
Note: This is a Review. Click HERE to visit the official Whitehat Copycat site.
OK, so let’s begin the official review!
First: WHAT IS WHITEHAT COPYCAT? Whitehat Copycat is an online money making system that takes a different take from your typical online money making system.
The “old school” way of making money is to go after “micro” niches, but Whitehat Copycat goes 180 degrees in the opposite direction by suggesting you go after “macro niches”.
Now, let me say right off that I think both options can make you money (which is why I have offered several items in my bonus package to “round out” your education so to speak!).
Let me explain each. The theory of the “micro” niche is to fine tune a targeted website toward a popular item, but use keywords that may be a little off the beaten path. In this way you can DOMINATE selected keywords that are searched for, and guide them to your site that sells an affiliate product.
A “macro niche” argues for you to go ahead and “copycat” some of the big “macro” products (we’re talking “Free Real Player”, “Quicktime”, “Ad Aware” etc.) and get a small portion of that download business BUT when they find your copycat site, they are directed to your download page which has a CPA, or your affiliate link. The idea is 1% of 1,000,000 is better than 50% of 10,000.
So Here are the Good Points:
- First, it works. I set up a couple of copycat sites in a matter of hours (the first one takes the longest, the second one is a breeze). Now, I have barely had a chance to get SEO optimized etc., but have already begun to see results, so I can tell you that the system WILL work for you.
- Second, the system is thorough. Tim is not kidding when he says that he will walk you through everything you need to do in order to get your own copycat site up and running.
- Third, it really is FREE! With the exception of hosting and domain costs, the entire system can be created and maintained 100% free of charge. Tim suggests a couple of “for pay” short cuts, but I opted for the free options to see just how user friendly the “free” method would be. I was really surprised by how easy it was to get my copycat site up and running. Tim shows you how and where to download software for doing everything you need to do without spending a dime.
The Bad Points
- OK, nothing’s perfect, and neither is Whitehat Copycat. While Tim walks you through things in great detail, it will require a LITTLE bit of basic internet knowledge. Tim walks you through several things while holding your hand (such as how to set up an account at GoDaddy.com) but neglects to hold your hand on how to upload your newly created copycat site to your new domain. That said, there’s nothing Tim fails to show you that can’t be easily found with a quick google search, or by simply enlisting some Customer Service from your domain provider. How do I know this? Because I gave the Whitehat Copycat system to my wife who knows NOTHING and asked her to set up a copycat site. If she can do it, then practically anyone can.
- You won’t set up a site and be making “hundreds of dollars on the very first day!” . . . This will require a little SEO work to get you pulling in the bucks, which is also why I don’t have a bunch of “supposed” screen captures showing you all the money I have made with the system. I’ve only had the pre-release for a week, which is not enough time to get the traffic really flowing. It’s gonna take a couple weeks for google to catch up with you.
- Lastly, God bless Tim, but I think he would benefit by having an American proof read his system prior to release. There’s nothing obnoxiously incorrect, and certainly nothing that is not understandable because of the translation . . .I just found myself from time to time realizing that Tim is clearly using english as a second language. That said . . . like “love” . . .”money” is an international language, and Tim definitely speaks it!
The Bottom Line?
So, that about wraps it up. Whitehat Copycat is a full and comprehensive system for making money online. Overall, I found it VERY impressive and I would highly recommend it to any one looking to get into, or expand their online money making plans.
Once you get past all the hype and flash on the sales page, you have a tremendously simple system for making money. It’s easy to create, and easy to duplicate, so why not make dozens of sites? Honestly, I’ll be setting up another copycat site as soon as I finish writing this review.
Click Here To Go To the Officaly Whitehat Copycat Website
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